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At Harmony Hands Energy Healing we offer a wide range of healing services including reiki, crystal reiki, sound healing, quantum healing hypnosis technique, Thetahealing, art therapy as well as combinational therapies and add ons. We also offer Free sessions for cancer clients, and shorter sessions for a reduced rate for children under 12 years of age.  



Traditional Usui Reiki Session

​Reiki is a 3500 year old Japanese healing modality, where the practitioner's hands are either gently laid on or slightly above the body, channeling energy to the client. Reiki relieves energy blockages and imbalances (usually from disease or emotional upset or physical trauma) to support healing and well-being.  Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.  

​Reiki energy is known to improve the functionality of our nervous, lymphatic, endocrine, circulatory, muscular, skeletal, digestive and excretory systems.  Once the biological systems, energy and fluids are moving freely, without any blockages, clients experience a reduction in inflammation and pain levels resulting in an increase in their mobility.

Reiki improves the client's state of relaxation and mindfulness, reduces stress and anxiety and improves sleep patterns, duration and quality.  




Traditional Usui Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki is the same energetic application as Reiki with the added intention and additional frequency of specifically chosen crystals. 

Crystal Reiki is a stronger, more powerful form of Reiki due to the added energetic resonance of the crystals chosen for a specific intention. 

With Crystal Reiki the practitioner creates a crystal grid to use during the treatment session for the client's desired intention and goals. The grid is placed under or beside the treatment table, after being programmed and activated. Crystal grids emit energy, so having them near a client helps to ramp up the energy around the client and in the auric fields. 

The practitioner then places crystals along the clients chakras and around the body as needed, to help activate the energy centers, meridians and auric field during a full Reiki session. 

Clients find Crystal Reiki helps them release limiting beliefs, heal physical ailments or reduce the symptoms, produce a higher vibration for spiritual connection and alignment and brings a deeper sense of calm, peace and relaxation to every session. 



The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique. 

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is (our God has many names and we call him Creator). It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle. It teaches how to put to use one’s own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and “delta” brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueâ„  allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious, the Sub Conscious.


With QHHT®, clients are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are in their lives — and to ultimately create change within themselves.


Clients learn what lessons they are to be learning in this life time as well as their authentic path and purpose. With QHHT we explore past life regression to see how those lives correlate to this life. 


QHHT helps clients reprogram their limiting beliefs that are holding them back in life. It helps to release emotional and physical blocks in the body causing pain and upset.  QHHT helps the body realign, reset, relax and heal itself.


QHHT literally opens a window to the higher self, higher consciousness of the client through a theta brainwave state, allowing for easy access to higher guidance and knowledge. 


QHHT takes the possibilities in life to a much higher level, and creates an environment where anything and everything is possible. 


To truly understand the profound changes you will experience, one must experience a session.  Most only need QHHT one time in their life, as it answers all the questions and provides profound healings. 


If you want to learn more about QHHT or if you want to become a QHHT practitioner click here:

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Sound Healing Immersion

With Sound Healing Immersion, you experience more than the crystal singing bowl sound healing. 


We start off with Bija Seed Sound Chanting to the solfeggio frequencies of the crystal singing bowls, opening and activating and starting to align and balance your chakras.  We then move onto the table where we conduct a tuning fork sound healing using the chakra and solfeggio tone tuning forks along your chakras and points of pain and pressure.  You then relax to solfeggio tone frequency music using 528 Hz for DNA healing, while your biofield is cleared and aligned using non-weighted tuning forks outside of the body.  Then you are immersed in the crystal singing pyramids gentle tones as it is played over and along your body, while you relax on the table. Following that, you are invited to just drift and float away, as you listens to the crystal singing bowl sound bath, the crystal singing pyramid, chimes and the harmonious tones of the tongue drum. Sound healing allows you to relax, release, align and heal through the vibration of gentle sound waves. 

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Tuning Fork Sound Healing

With the tuning fork sessions you have your choice of: â€‹


1.  Chakra Weighted Tuning Fork Session

Applying the tuning forks directly on the body, at the chakra centers, we open, activate, balance and align the chakra centers.  This promotes an attuning to the frequency that specific chakra is meant to vibrate at its optimum wellness frequency, as well as moving energy through the chakras and away.


2.Solfeggio Tuning Fork Session

The solfeggio tuning fork session is done on either side of your ears, allowing the sound frequency to be heard.  Hearing the sound frequencies allows your brain to entrain the body, and body specific areas, to that frequency for healing, releasing, connection and more. Each solfeggio frequency has a different purpose for clearing and healing. 


3. Biofield Tuning Fork Session

We clear the biofield layers with sound frequencies being emitted from the solfeggio tuning forks. 


4. Combinations of Tuning Fork Sessions

Combine weighted and non-weighted tuning forks in a session.



Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing

Sound healing is centuries old, and helps one to open and heal from the inside out.


For the first 30 minutes, we will play the crystal singing bowls one at a time. As we play, we will chant the Bija seed sounds helping you to awaken, open, align, heal and balance your chakras.


You can play the bowls or sit and listen to me playing the bowls one at a time as we chant; your choice.


I then play the singing bowls and chords to help you to relax, connect and align different chakras, getting them to work in unison.


This is a powerful healing modality, designed to help you identify, work through and heal your energy centers with solfeggio sound vibration.


Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness is a different point of view about life. It allows you to change anything you cannot change and create everything you desire in a different and easier way. The aim of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness, where everything exists and nothing is judged.  Access Consciousness is based on the idea that you're not wrong, that you know and that consciousness can shift anything. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words, Access clears the energy underneath the words. Access Consciousness is based on the idea that you know and that your choice is what will create your future. Like consciousness, we do not have a path for you, we have an infinite array of possibilities from which you can choose anything that would be wonderful for you. What are you looking for? What could you add to your life? Where would you like to start? During an Access Consciousness session the practitioner pulls energy at the head, pulling it right through to the client's feet.  By pressing on acupressure points, limiting beliefs are processed consciously and released by the client.  After the session clients report feeling lighter, more connected and relaxed.  â€‹


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Reiki for Seniors and PWD

​Reiki is a 3500 year old Japanese healing modality, where the practitioner's hands are either gently laid on or slightly above the body, channeling energy to the client. Reiki relieves energy blockages and imbalances (usually from disease or emotional upset or physical trauma) to support healing and well-being.  Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.  
Reiki energy is known to improve the functionality of our nervous, lymphatic, endocrine, circulatory, muscular, skeletal, digestive and excretory systems.  Once the biological systems, energy and fluids are moving freely, without any blockages, clients experience a reduction in inflammation and pain levels resulting in an increase in their mobility.

Reiki improves the client's state of relaxation and mindfulness, reduces stress and anxiety and improves sleep patterns, duration and quality.  

Seniors and Persons with Disabilities are offered a flat rate fee of $60/session.


Children's Reiki

This is for children 12 years of age and under.


Children's Reiki is similar to the adult sessions, only much shorter. Children tend to feel the energy quicker and may release stress, anxiety and other emotional upsets or blocks through squirming and sighing. The more one moves, he greater the ability to release and children have this natural knowing within them. We start with some grounding, working into a short visualization before the reiki session begins. A parent is requested to be in the room during a session for children under 12 years of age.


FREE Reiki for Cancer Clients

Anyone currently undergoing cancer treatment (pre-op, post-op, chemo or radiation therapies) is welcome to 1 FREE Reiki / Crystal Reiki treatment per month. Reiki and Crystal Reiki have been used for years as a compliment to modern medicine for treating chronically ill individuals. The Canadian Cancer Society and other numerous cancer support groups recommend Reiki for helping patients to manage pain, stress, anxiety, improve sleep and expedite healing. At Harmony Hands Energy Healing, we believe in giving back to our community in real tangible ways. Offering 1 FREE Reiki or Crystal Reiki treatment per month for those in our community currently struggling with the challenges of cancer, is the least we can do. No strings, No catch - 1 FREE treatment a month to help ease your healing journey. When booking, I just need to know what type of cancer you are fighting so I can choose the correct crystals for your maximum healing benefit.

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Energy Healing Combinations

Now at Harmony Hands you can combine the services, as well as "add on". 


Available Service Combinations Include: 


  • Connective Conversations & Reiki

  • Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing & Reiki 

  • Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing & Crystal Reiki

  • Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing & Thetahealing

  • Tuning Fork Session with Sound Immersion

  • Tuning Fork Session with Biofield Clearing

  • Tuning Fork Session with Brass Singing Bowls

  • Tuning Fork Session with Crystal Singing Bowls

  • Thetahealing &  A Reiki Session

  • Thetahealing & A Crystal Reiki Session

  • Thetahealing and Crystal Bowl Healing

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Art Therapy & Reiki with Ashley

Enjoy a 30 min art therapy session before a complete Reiki treatment. Explore your thoughts, emotions and feelings through the use of color; then allow the energy to continue flowing through releasing lower energy vibrations in your Reiki session.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you do not feel, see or experience changes in your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual state of being we will happily refund your payment for service.

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Contact Harmony Hands Energy Healing





Text: 250-615-6906

Phone: 250-635-7966

4020 Munroe St, Terrace, BC, V8G 3C5, Canada


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