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Reiki Benefits For The Different Types of Rehabilitation

Writer's picture: Laurie FulfordLaurie Fulford

What Types of Rehabilitation Does Reiki Aid?

Rehabilitation can be physical, such as following an injury that requires physiotherapy and time to heal. It can be a rehabilitation following a surgery where getting up and around sooner will assist with faster healing and an increase in mobility.

Rehabilitation can be behavioral, such as habits and obsessions with drugs, alcohol, gambling addictions or other types of addictions; where you are wanting to try and change the conditioned response of behaviors. Rehabilitation can also be mental, such as reprogramming your own negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions into more positive and productive tools.

In all cases, Reiki is a complimentary tool to help one manage physical and emotional pain, releasing blocks and trauma, releasing anxiety and fear, and for helping to increase one's neuroplasticity to improve coping and clarity of thought. Reiki can also help improve one's connections to mother earth, guides and divine energy, while quieting the mind and helping one to relax deeply.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient modality of energy healing. Reiki is the life force energy; the exact same energy you and I are made up of. The Reiki practitioner channels life force energy from the earth, the quantum field and the divine, gathering that energy up and channeling out of their palms. The client’s body receives that energy, taking as much as it needs, to release, realign, balance, recharge and heal itself. Reiki is a very gentle, relaxing, and healing modality because it is using the same energy that we are comprised of, in our own bodies. Reiki helps to release blocks, recharge the body and helps people to connect to their own life force energy.

Reiki has the ability to align with the frequency of the organs, biological processes, chakras, meridians and auric field layers. Reiki can raise the frequency of the entire body, igniting a natural healing process within. Everyone has the ability to heal themselves in different ways, Reiki is an excellent tool for self healing on many levels.

Reiki and Physical Rehabilitation

When you have had an injury or are preparing for a surgery of any kind, Reiki is very beneficial for managing pain and inflammation. If preparing for surgery, having a Reiki session prior to your surgery will help to release blocks of tension and stress; alleviate anxiety and fear; and help you to have an overall calm and positive approach to the outcome.

During the surgery if a Reiki practitioner can work on you in person or from a distance, the complications from surgery do not seem to emerge. The number of times I have heard “well that was an uneventful surgery,” always makes me smile. I also conduct Reiki on pregnant moms during their labor and I have been told many times, how surprisingly easy the birth was.

Following the surgery, or post injury, if you continue to receive Reiki during your healing period, in my experience, the healing is expedited, up to two weeks ahead of the normal healing timeline Doctors have as an expected outcome. The pain levels are also noticeably reduced, allowing for freer movement and faster healing.

Reiki helps to keep the energy moving through you and can assist with releasing blocks and tension in the body around the injured area. Reiki also helps to activate the lymphatic system which carries toxins out of the body. Following a surgery or an injury, there are a lot of toxins from pain medications, dead cells and other releases you may have had. Reiki helps to remove those toxins, allowing the recipient to release, receive healing life force energy and relax their body, mind, and spirit; allowing for deeper healing to occur. When the energy in your body can flow freely, removing toxins, you feel better, heal faster and sleep more soundly.

Reiki and Rehabilitation For Addictions

When dealing with drug, alcohol, gambling, or food addictions (just to name a few), Reiki can help with the physical addiction. There is usually a lot of pain in the body for those who have addictions. There is inflammation in the joints and muscles, which Reiki can help to move down and away resulting in less physical pain.

Reiki allows the recipient to relax their body, getting them out of the “busy mind” space and more able to relax the body. When the body relaxes, and the tension starts to leave the body, clients are more able to release blocks, fears, worries, judgments, guilt, shame, regret, disappointment, self-loathing and so much more. Reiki allows those struggling with addiction, especially as they are going through rehabilitation, to heal deeper layers of stress, tension, and trauma. The emotions and beliefs of past traumas are stored in our body in various places, such as:

· Fear – Spleen

· Anger – Liver

· Unexpressed Trauma – Lungs

· Unprocessed Trauma – Digestive tract and colon

· Resentment – Kidneys

· Deep Stuffed Trauma – Abdomen and Tailbone

· Feeling Unsupported – Lower Back

· Feeling Responsible for Everything – Upper Shoulders and Neck

By allowing the life force energy to run through the practitioner and into the client, there is a path of deeper healing for those struggling with addictions. The Reiki life force energy flows through the body, recharging areas of weakness. The Reiki energy helps to align, balance, and heal the energy centers and bodies. Reiki helps the client struggling with addictions to calm their mind, let go of the physically stored emotions in the body, relieving stress and tension, fear, and worry; and creating a less manic mind set.

Reiki is a tool that all those struggling with addictions can add to their toolbox for healing, aligning, balancing, and growing. Reiki helps to lessen the anxiety and stress both mentally and physically, so the person struggling with addictions can finally have peace. There is a quieting of the mind and the body, a deep relaxing restorative process. The trauma is lifted and the person can start healing emotionally and mentally, not just physically.

Reiki helps the person to release the need for obsessions, that often accompany addictions. The intensity is lessened, and the clarity of thought is increased so the person can make good, informed decisions, without all the upset. Reiki lessens the fear and anxiety; opens all the chakra centers and allows the person to reset their body, mind, and spirit. Reiki helps those struggling with cravings and physical pain as they work through the rehabilitation processes, learning new skills for self-regulation and coping.

Reiki and Mental Programming

Reiki helps to quiet the mind, take physical and emotional pain out of the body and to allow one a deeper clarity of thought. When the practitioner sets an intention to have beliefs lifted or changed; or to have negative programming released; the Reiki life force energy can help the recipient lift those beliefs.

When the lower energy beliefs are brought to the surface, there are more releases as the body realigns to new truths. The truths of peace, love, compassion and understanding. The belief of self-worth and self-care becomes awakened, to help the recipient to understand their own self-worth and value, their voice, and their purpose. Reiki helps to lift the lower energy emotions of doubt, fear, hurt, anger, resentment, lack of worth, lack of love, lack of good health, and so many more lower energy emotions, right out of the physical body.

When lower energies are removed, the beliefs shift because the emotion and feelings are no longer present. There is now room for new programmed beliefs, new processes, and practices to help those struggling negative thought processes to release and move past those negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are holding them back.

In my practice I have worked on clients going through major surgeries, those who are struggling with addictions and going through rehabilitation, and those struggling to release and reprogram their thought processes. Without exception, all have shown significant improvement in their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Without exception physical pain has been reduced or alleviated, and the mind is clearer, quieter, and more centered. Reiki helps to ground people’s energies to help them not feel so overwhelmed with life. It helps to increase one’s ability to cope with new challenges without drama or upset.

Reiki is the life force energy. You are comprised of that life force energy. Reiki is like water, or air or sunshine that our body needs to sustain itself, heal and grow. If we are not connecting to the earth or the life force energy in other ways, Reiki is a “fast track” approach for connection, releasing, healing, aligning, balancing, and growing.

In my experience Reiki can save a person months and months of therapy, by just literally allowing the blocks, stresses, tension, and traumas to be removed from the body. You do not need to talk about it. You do not need to revisit the actions. You do not need to relive the traumatic events. You just need to have a desire for the tension, pain, upset, hurt and inflammation to leave your body, mind, and spirit. You just need a desire to heal yourself, then let Reiki do the rest in concert with your subconscious, body, mind, and spirit.

If you know anyone suffering through a rehabilitation process, let them know that Reiki is complimentary tool to the western medicine and other approaches being used for healing one’s body, mind and spirit.



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